Rev BlaQ Fire

Birth Doula

Labor Support & Birth Partner

Rev BlaQ Fire aka Kimesha McDowell is a metaphysical Cosmic Birth Doula, DONA trained and based out of the Philadelphia area. She provides continuous emotional, mental and physical support to women and babies in labor.
A Cosmic Birth Doula not only provides information about childbirth, but also educates women about the mystical connection between a woman's womb, her mind and the cosmos. She offers pregnant women encouragement and empowerment via spiritual awareness, connection to the true self, and self realization. She incorporates the power of words, visualization, and mantra's to create the best birthing experience for everyone involved.
As a Cosmic Birth Doula, I support the concept that the mother and child are in constant communication, working together with the power of the universe during the pregnancy and labor. Because I am a full time teacher of the spiritual aspect of the womb, I also educate my clients on their own personal internal connection with mother nature and her many attributes. I believe if we alter the way we perceive the birthing process, we can alter our experience with it.
As your Cosmic Birth Doula, it is my mission to aid you during your pregnancy by providing information that will assist you in making decisions that give you ,your partner, and your newborn peace of mind on labor day. During our first meeting, which is free of charge, we will interview each other and decide if we are a good fit. Once we agree that we would like to work together and payment is made, you will have unlimited access to me via email and phone (text) up until the final 5 weeks of pregnancy. At that point, we will schedule 1-2 in person visits and communicate much more frequently.
The information provided during the prenatal period will assist us in creating an individualized birth plan for you to share with your care provider and partner. Communication during the prenatal visits will help you understand the choices you have and options that may be presented during labor. The birth plan not only includes what should happen during the labor but also methods of meditation and communicating with the child during pregnancy.
The prenatal period is also the time to discuss and practice methods of comfort & relaxation. We will discuss what may work best for you on labor day and how we can incorporate the other partners or support you may have in comforting you.